Levels of user involvement/partnership[1]
Engage – Invite users to give views
Co-design – Plan and design information together
Co-produce – Plan, design, create and review information with users as equal members of the team
Involve users in a meaningful way. Embrace the process – it’s easier than you think. Starting small is better than not involving users at all.
Plan engagement
- Plan user involvement throughout your project
- Describe users’ roles and responsibilities
- Ensure users match your audience – include those with lower health literacy[2] and disadvantaged people[3]
- Include budget to pay people for their time[4], but be aware of the impact on Universal Credit payments[5]
- Consider safe guarding[6]
Use the right method for the task/stage
- Steering groups
- Focus groups
- Engagement events and development workshops
- Surveys and interviews
Run sessions effectively
- Use plain language in all materials
- Choose an independent facilitator who understands the user group
- Run sessions in familiar, accessible settings[7]
- Set objectives for each engagement
- Be flexible, new issues may emerge
- Thank users and show how you have acted on their insights
Co-produce health information whenever you can.
User testing/feedback
- Test with users not involved in the development
- Invite feedback on live projects
Work with users – make health information easy to use, accessible and relevant.
- https://pifonline.org.uk/resources/how-to-guides/involving-users
- https://library.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2023/06/Health-Literacy-Toolkit.pdf
- https://pifonline.org.uk/resources/posters/health-literacy-matters-infographic
- https://www.nice.org.uk/get-involved/our-committees/what-lay-members-do/lay-member-payments-and-expenses
- https://www.nice.org.uk/get-involved/our-committees/what-lay-members-do/lay-member-payments-and-expenses/how-lay-member-payments-affect-benefits
- https://assets-global.website-files.com/5ffee76a01a63b6b7213780c/651411b1bac81e3451940a0a_Co-Production%20Collective%20Safeguarding%20Statement%20.pdf
- https://www.england.nhs.uk/about/equality/equality-hub/patient-equalities-programme/equality-frameworks-and-information-standards/accessibleinfo/
Published by the Patient Information Forum October 2023. Review date: October 2025.