What is the PIF TICK?

The PIF TICK is the only independently-assessed quality mark for print and digital health information. It helps people identify trusted, evidence-based information.

If you see the PIF TICK logo on a piece of health information, it means the organisation or individual who produced it is a Trusted Information Creator accredited by PIF. 

To gain the PIF TICK, health information producers must follow an accredited PIF TICK production process that meets 10 criteria.

A public-facing PIF TICK website helps users easily find Trusted Information Creators.


PIF TICK criteria for organisations

  1. Systems: Information is created using a consistent and documented process.
  2. Training: Staff receive ongoing training and support.
  3. Need: Resources meet a genuine need.
  4. Evidence: Information is based on reliable, up-to-date evidence which is communicated clearly.
  5. Involving users: Users are involved in the development of information.
  6. Health inequalities: Information is written to meet health and digital literacy, language and accessibility needs of the target audience.
  7. Content and design: Information is clearly communicated, easy to access and navigate.
  8. Feedback: There is a clear process for users to provide feedback.
  9. Disseminating: Information is promoted to maximise reach.
  10. Impact: The impact of information is measured.


PIF TICK criteria for individuals

  1. Systems and processes: Have a written method for producing content
  2. Training: Anyone producing content must have the appropriate skills and knowledge
  3. Need: There must be a genuine need for the content
  4. Evidence: Up-to-date trusted evidence sources must be used and explain any risks and uncertainties to the audience
  5. User involvement: The audience must be considered in the creation of content
  6. Health inequalities and accessibility needs: Content must be created to meet the needs of the audience
  7. Transparency and legal: There must be compliance with GDPR, conflicts of interest, promotion of medicines and other regulations
  8. Feedback and comments: Feedback and comments are dealt with appropriately
  9. Dissemination: Information is promoted to maximise reach
  10. Measuring impact: The impact of content must be measured

How do you get the PIF TICK?

To get the PIF TICK, you need to submit an application form and go through an assessment process. When you are successful, you will be awarded:

  • A PIF TICK accreditation
  • Certificate
  • Entry onto the PIF TICK Directory
  • The right to use the PIF TICK logo on health information you produce

Individuals, organisations, health charities, NHS Trusts, professional bodies, and private companies that produce health information can apply to get the PIF TICK.

What are the benefits of the PIF TICK?

The PIF TICK shows your audience you are a Trusted Information Creator. This means your information is evidence-based, accurate, and regularly reviewed. It also opens up opportunities to collaborate with other PIF TICK accredited members.

With PIF TICK accreditation, you can apply to be part of evidence-based health information resources including:

In a 2024 survey, organisations and individuals found the PIF TICK helped streamline their health information production process, and increase the quality of health information they produce.

As a PIF TICK member, you also get:

  • Access to full PIF guidance on best practice for producing health information, including posters, reports and publications, and how-to guides
  • Exclusive access to member-only webinars and networking events
  • Discounted CPD-accredited training, such as our Writing Health Information workshop
  • Use of Ask the Membership and the Discussion Forum to ask fellow PIF TICK members questions
  • Discounted use of the Sounding Board to peer review your health information, and the option to apply to be a reviewer
  • The PIF Aware weekly newsletter with the latest updates on health information and events

Why was the PIF TICK created?

The PIF TICK criteria were developed in consultation with the Patient Information Forum’s 1,000-strong membership representing 300 cross-sector organisations and individuals.

Consumer research found 8 out of 10 people would look for a quality mark, such as a PIF TICK, on health information. Evidence, plain English, and trained staff were the top three criteria for quality health information identified by the public.

The PIF TICK public website provides advice on finding trusted health information and signposts to PIF TICK accredited members.