PIF has a range of resources to help you make the case for health-literacy friendly materials and improve your resources in Health Literacy Month.

We believe everyone should have access to health information they can understand and use to make informed decisions about their health.

One of our most popular resources is our Health Literacy Matters poster – a one-page guide with key data on health literacy.

Other resources you may find useful throughout Health Literacy Month include:

Please note, while posters are available for anyone to download and use, how-to guides are only available to PIF members.

Health and Digital Literacy Survey

Throughout Health Literacy Month, PIF is holding a Health and Digital Literacy Survey.

The aim is to see if the pandemic has prompted long-term change in health and digital literacy strategies at an organisational level.

Our last survey in 2019 found only 13% of organisations had a health literacy strategy in place.

Just 50% assessed the equalities impact of digital projects.

Read more about our action on 10 key recommendations from the 2019 survey here.

Take part in the 2022 survey here.

Sign the charter today

In 2020 PIF launched the Health and Digital Literacy Charter.

Since then, more than 100 individuals and cross-sector bodies have signed the charter and pledged to become health and digital literacy friendly.

This Health Literacy Month, join those organisations and sign the charter to publicly show your commitment to health and digital literacy.

Find out more and sign here.