Call for Government to produce translated COVID-19 guidance

Doctors of the World UK and more than 20 local authorities, public health bodies and non-profit organisations have written to the Government to express concern at the lack of COVID-19 public health guidance in languages other than English.

The letter says this is preventing people who do not speak or read English well from accessing essential public health information.

In England and Wales over four million people speak a main language other than English with 864,000 speaking little to no English.

However, making COVID-19 guidance available in other languages has been largely left to local authorities and non-profit organisations.  

Changing guidance has also meant some translated guidance has been left out of date.

DOTW, with support from the Mayor of London, has translated UK-wide guidance into more than 60 languages. 

These translated resources have been accessed more than 59,000 times.

Read the letter in full by clicking on the link below.

Doctors of the World UK

Wider Impacts of COVID-19 on Health monitoring tool

Public Health England has launched a Wider Impacts of COVID-19 on Health (WICH) tool.

The tool looks at the indirect effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the population's health and wellbeing.

The idea is to present metrics in one place to enable stakeholders to monitor changes, make timely informed decisions, intervene to reduce or mitigate against poor outcomes and understand the wider context of population health.

Recently added metrics include:

  • Change in alcohol consumption
  • Change in access to care
  • Rate of people claiming benefits
  • Measures of employment and income

Public Health England

Versus Arthritis launches Impossible to Ignore campaign

PIF member Versus Arthritis has launched a campaign calling on all UK governments to make sure the needs of people with arthritis are addressed as they plan to restart treatment and services.

The charity surveyed more than 6,000 people with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions and found lockdown has had devastating consequences for many:

  • More than 40% reported appointments had been cancelled
  • For those experiencing chronic pain that number was 44%
  • 50% said they are not able to be physically active due to their pain
  • 40% reported feeling more lonely or isolated.

An online petition has been launched to support the campaign.

Versus Arthritis

Healthcare activity and outcomes for the shielded population

A new aggregate data set providing information on healthcare activity and outcomes of shielded patients has been published by NHS Digital.

The Tracking Healthcare Activity and Outcomes for Shielded Patients report provides a breakdown of the number of emergency hospital admissions, deaths and positive COVID-19 test results for a subset of patients who have been identified as being on the Shielded Patient List in England.

A similar aggregate data set relating to a sample of the general population has also been published to allow a comparison between the two cohorts.

NHS Digital

Study: COVID-19 patients from deprived regions at higher risk of intensive care admission

A new study has found COVID-19 patients admitted from more deprived regions are at higher risk of intensive care admission.

Researchers found high air pollution and lower housing quality were potential risk factors for patients presenting to hospital with multi-lobar pneumonia and, in turn, being admitted to an intensive care unit.

Patients admitted from overcrowded households were more likely to be admitted to an intensive care unit. 

The study also found patients of Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds were more likely than white patients to be admitted from regions with high levels of air pollution, lower quality housing or overcrowded living conditions. 

Read the preliminary report in full by clicking on the link below.

University of Birmingham

New and updated NICE rapid guidelines

NICE has published the latest in a series of rapid guidelines on caring for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.

The new guideline covers arranging planned care in hospitals and diagnostic services.

NICE has updated its guidelines on rheumatological autoimmune, inflammatory and metabolic bone disorders and delivery of systemic anticancer treatments.

It has also developed a medtech innovation briefing on CFHealthHub for managing cystic fibrosis during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The hidden impact of COVID-19

In this BMA article, Chaand Nagpaul says the Government must be open and honest about the backlog created by the pandemic and how it plans to reduce it.

The article follows the publication of a BMA report which revealed millions of patients had failed to receive planned operations, treatments and appointments during the pandemic.

Chaand says the government must be transparent with the public and frontline staff about the size of the backlog and how, in practical terms, it will be reduced.


Mental capacity during COVID-19

The Social Care Institute for Excellence has launched a quick guide to making best interest decisions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The guide aims to help people across social care and health settings to apply provisions of the Mental Capacity Act.


Can the COVID-19 pandemic lead to fairer health and care services?

In this blog, Rachel Power from The Patients Association reflects on how COVID-19 has brought health inequalities into sharp focus and how it will take a nationwide effort to reduce them. 

The blog is part of a series of comment pieces from NHS Confederation members and partners as part of the NHS Reset campaign.

NHS Confederation

Fast online access to NHS weight loss advice

People who are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes are being fast-tracked into the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention programme it was announced this week.

The rapid access rollout began on Monday 27 July following research that revealed those living with diabetes face a significantly higher risk of dying with COVID-19.

The programme supports people to lose weight and adopt healthier habits.

NHS England

Support app for patients during and after cancer treatment

A new app with content developed by staff at a local NHS Trust aims to support patients during and following cancer treatment.  

My Wellbeing Space is a free digital service from NHS partnership Health Call and technology provider Inhealthcare, funded by the Northern Cancer Alliance. 

It will initially benefit patients receiving care from County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust. 

The content was developed by the Macmillan project team in collaboration with clinical teams and patients.

My Wellbeing Space provides advice and links to information about a range of topics including physical activity, late effects of treatment, financial concerns and treatments.  

It also includes short video clips delivered by a consultant, clinical nurse specialist, wellbeing practitioner, GP, oncologist, patient and carer.  

County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust

A spatial approach to working with marginalised communities

Ambition for Ageing has produced a new briefing and practical workbook on working with older marginalised communities.

The four-page briefing provides an outline of the model of working with different types of marginalised communities to engage them in group activities.

The practical workbook provides a step-by-step guide on using this model at a neighbourhood level to identify and support older marginalised communities.

Both are free to download.

Ambition for Ageing

Supporting people with sight loss

RNIB has produced a podcast series for people living with sight loss and complex needs and for people who are supporting someone living with sight loss and complex needs.

The podcasts, each less than 15 minutes long, are suitable for older people living with sight loss as well as family members, friends and carers supporting them, as well as anyone who supports and helps adults with complex needs in a home or care setting.