The Patient Information Forum (PIF) is working with a group of researchers from the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP).

We are inviting representatives from patient organisations to participate in a short survey on social and digital media use within these organisations and advocacy groups.

The research focuses on patient engagement and the use of social and digital media to share research information with patients and members. 

The goal of the survey is to help understand common practices in sharing research information across different organisations and what the medical publications profession can do to better meet the needs of organisation members.

Trishna Bharadia, long-time PIF member and leading patient advocate, said: "The partnership between ISMPP and PIF on this survey will hopefully help us to understand how medical publications professionals can better support patient organisations in their mission to make research information accessible to patient communities. 

"In an age where more and more patients are seeking research information online, we need to ensure that everyone involved in developing and disseminating that information understands the needs of the communities.”

The results of this survey will be presented so medical publications professionals can better understand how to support the patient community’s research information needs. 

At the end of the survey, there is an option to leave an email address if you would like to learn about the results.

You can access the survey online here.

We hope you will consider taking the time to participate and help us better understand your research engagement practices.