This week is Psoriasis Awareness Week (29 October to 4 November) and PIF members have been promoting information and support.

The annual event aims to raise awareness of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. 

This year's theme focuses on lifestyle factors that may be important to consider when living with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, including diet and exercise.

Psoriasis Association

The Psoriasis Association kicked off its activity with a video featuring Chris Griffiths, professor of dermatology at the University of Manchester and honorary consultant dermatologist at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.

In the video, Prof Griffiths answers some commonly asked questions about psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and lifestyle.

Watch it on YouTube here.

The Psoriasis Association is also hosting two Facebook live sessions.

The first, Pso: Let's talk food, features consultant dermatologist and nutrition expert Dr Thiviyani Maruthappu and professor of health psychology/behavioural medicine Christine Bundy.

It takes on Monday, 1 November, from 1pm.

The second session, Pso: Let's talk exercise, will take place on Thursday, 4 November, at 1pm.

It features Psoriasis Association trustee and dermatology nurse consultant Karina Jackson and physiotherapist and rheumatology clinical lead Jack March.

Visit the Psoriasis Association Facebook page to watch.

On Wednesday, 3 November, The Psoriasis Association and St John's Derm Academy are collaborating on Pso: Let's Talk Research.

The free webinar will feature talks from experts at the forefront of research and practice.

Places are limited. Click here to register.

Click here to access the Psoriasis Association's information and support.


The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance (PAPAA) provides evidence-based self management tools and resources for people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Guides answering commonly asked questions about both conditions are available here.

PAPAA also has a Knowledge Bank – an online resource library with more information, images and educational support programmes.

Click here to find out more about PAPAA.

Versus Arthritis

Versus Arthritis has information answering common questions about psoriatic arthritis.

This includes an animation providing a basic introduction to psoriatic arthritis, including symptoms and treatments.

Click here to watch the animation.

Click here to access Versus Arthritis' main information page on psoriatic arthritis