PIF member the Professional Records Standards Body (PRSB) is hosting a series of webinars to help develop two new Diabetes Information Standards.
The number of people living with diabetes in the UK is estimated at 4.8 million and is expected to rise rapidly.
Information about a person’s diabetes needs to be shared between patients, professionals and different systems.
Information standards provide the structure and content to enable this to happen.
PRSB was commissioned by NHS England and Improvement to develop standards enabling key information about a person with diabetes to be shared.
This will support self-management and care.
The standards will also enable information collected as part of routine care to be used for audit and population health management purposes.
Diabetes Information Standards
PRSB is defining two information standards.
The first, for self-reported data related to diabetes, will allow different devices and apps to share information with clinical systems.
This means clinicians will no longer have to access multiple platforms to view the data they need to help a person manage their diabetes.
A second standard will allow professionals across different settings to digitally share information about a person and their diabetes care, reducing the risk of harm.
The scope of the project was defined based on review of key literature and conversations with professionals and patients individually and in focus groups.
In order to ensure the standard meets the information needs of those with all types of diabetes and those involved in all types of diabetes care, PRSB is planning a number of consultation events.
Five professional webinars based around the stages of life/use cases will be held in September:
- Pregnancy – 7 September
- Young children – 8 September
- Older children/young adults (covering transition) – 9 September
- Working age – 14 September
- Older age (covering care homes and comorbidities) – 15 September
Three patient webinars based on stages of life will also be held in September:
- Children and young people – 16 September
- Working age/pregnancy – 21 September
- Older adults – 22 September
A survey will follow these events and the standards will be piloted.
To find out how to get involved email [javascript protected email address].
PIF is a key stakeholder in development of the standards.