Vision for Women's Health Strategy for England published

The Government has published its vision to address 'decades of gender health inequality'.

The Vision for the Women’s Health Strategy for England sets out key commitments on women’s health.

It is based on analysis of almost 100,000 responses to a call for evidence. Insights include:

  • Damaging taboos and stigmas in women’s health can prevent women from seeking help and reinforce beliefs that debilitating symptoms are ‘normal’
  • More than eight in 10 have felt they were not listened to by healthcare professionals
  • Nearly two in three respondents with a health condition or disability do not feel supported by the services available
  • More than half of respondents feel uncomfortable talking about health issues with their workplace

The vision document sets an ambition for all women to have access to high-quality information and education from childhood through to adulthood.

The full Women’s Health Strategy will be published this spring.


Booklet about low blood sugar reduces repeat emergency callouts

New research has found a simple booklet, given along with advice from ambulance crews, can reduce the need for further emergency callouts for low blood sugar.

A study, published by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), explored the impact of the booklet, combined with advice given by ambulance crews. 

During the 26-month study, the number of repeat emergency callouts was reduced by half among people who received the booklet. 

It empowered patients to manage their own hypoglycaemia and prompted ambulance staff to keep more complete records on hypoglycaemia callouts.

The booklet has now been shared with all ambulance services in the UK.


Fireproofing against the infodemic

In this essay, Tina Purnat from the World Health Organization (WHO) outlines three steps to build resilience for future infodemic outbreaks. They include:

  • Getting better at producing quick, accurate, attractive, attention-grabbing and highly-engaging information that is at least as convincing as what is being produced by peddlers of disinformation
  • Investing in structural changes so systems that might detect infodemic signals are aligned for integrated analysis of varied data sources
  • Understanding unaddressed needs in vulnerable communities


Study: Digital platform to support self management of multiple chronic conditions 

A longitudinal study of older adults using digital health technology to self manage multimorbidity has found they sustained engagement and found it usable.

Authors said potential reasons for these results include a strong focus on user-centred design and engagement throughout the project lifecycle and the integration of behaviour change techniques and personal analytics into the platform. 

Providing triage and technical support services alongside the platform during the trial were also important facilitators of engagement.


Whitepaper explores patient experience of digital transformation

A whitepaper published by Healthcare Communications assesses the trajectory of digital change in the NHS and how this has affected patient experience.

A series of independent public surveys and qualitative interviews with NHS staff found 48% of the public have a preference for digital communications.

This increased to 69% if telephone communications are included.

However, only 14% of those who received a remote consultation were asked for feedback on their experience.

The whitepaper says digital communications are not an all-or-nothing concept. 

Crucially, patients should be provided with a choice.

Healthcare Communications provides patient communication software for the NHS.

Healthcare Communications

Putting lived experience at the centre of NHS Scotland recovery

The ALLIANCE has published a response to the Scottish Government's NHS Recovery Plan. 

Putting People at the Centre of NHS Scotland Recovery draws on interviews with third sector leaders.

It provides 18 recommendations aiming to put people at the heart of the processes around recovery and remobilisation.

The report says the voices of lived experience must be listened to and those voices should inform policy, practice and service design going forward.


NHS England publishes 2022/23 priorities

NHS England has published its 2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance.

The document sets out 10 priorities including:

  • Continuing to develop an approach to population health management, prevent ill health and address health inequalities using data and analytics
  • Exploiting the potential of digital technologies
  • Establishing Integrated Care Boards

NHS England

Seeking participants for online Parkinson's disease study

Researchers at Lancaster University are seeking participants for an online Parkinson's disease study.

The study investigates difficulties in words that describe physical movement in people with Parkinson’s disease, and the effect of lifestyle on these difficulties. 

It consists of two online parts which will be completed within the same week and should take a total of no more than an hour-and-a-half.

Researchers are looking for native English speakers aged between 50 and 80 years with a current diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and unaffected, healthy individuals.

Participants will receive a £15 online voucher of their choice upon completion of the study.

Anyone interested, either in learning more about the study or participating, can email [javascript protected email address].

Framework for involving coproduction partners in research about young people with type 1 diabetes 

A small exploratory study has led to the creation of a framework for involving coproduction partners in research.

The framework focuses on the unique expertise different team members bring to research, including young people with lived experience.

It describes conditions enabling expert contributions through the enactment of a variety of expert roles.

Researchers hope it can provide a guide for researchers planning to incorporate coproduction, on elements that are important for this model of research to succeed.

Wiley Online Library

NICE consultation: Vaccine uptake in the general population

There is just a week left to take part in a consultation on draft NICE guidance on vaccine uptake in the general population.

Registered stakeholders have until 13 January to respond. 

PIF has registered as a stakeholder in the consultation.

The final guideline is expected to be published on 17 May.


Video: Accessible and inclusive websites

PIF partner Texthelp has published a recording of its recent webinar – 8 step plan to accessible and inclusive websites.

The webinar, held in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions, can be accessed via the link below.

Texthelp has also published a guide to web content accessibility guidelines and legislation which can be accessed here.


Report highlights stories of those diagnosed with HPV

A new report from Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust highlights the experiences of people diagnosed with HPV and how it affected them.

The report also calls for greater education about HPV in schools, appropriate information throughout the life course and more information and resources for those who are diagnosed.

Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust