Review calls for action on 'stark ethnic inequalities' across healthcare

A major review into ethnic inequalities in healthcare has revealed 'vast inequalities' across a range of health services. 

The NHS Race & Health Observatory review found some of the largest inequalities were in mental healthcare, where treatment for black groups was particularly poor. 

It also found there was a lack of research into specific areas, including how outcomes may differ for ethnic minority babies in neonatal healthcare settings.

The review of academic research, spanning a 10-year period, explored differences in access, experiences and outcomes in:

  • Mental healthcare
  • Maternal and neonatal healthcare
  • Digital access to healthcare
  • Genetic testing and genomic medicine
  • The NHS workforce

Ethnic inequalities were found across each area studied. The report makes a series of recommendations for both research and practice and policy.

NHS Race & Health Observatory

Survey: Draft PRSB shared decision making standard

The PRSB has created a draft standard for shared decision making.

The draft standard was created from research, workshops and a series of roleplays.

Now, PRSB is seeking feedback from health and care professionals, the public, suppliers and anyone with a vested interest in shared decision making. 

An online survey on the draft standard is available to complete by clicking on the link below. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.


Effectiveness of vaccination against Long Covid

A rapid evidence briefing suggests COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of developing Long Covid.

Current sufferers may also experience an improvement in symptoms after being vaccinated.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) review drew together data from 15 UK and international studies.

Six of eight studies assessing the effectiveness of vaccination before COVID-19 infection suggested vaccinated cases were less likely to develop symptoms of Long Covid following infection.

Three of four studies comparing Long Covid symptoms before and after vaccination suggested more cases reported an improvement in symptoms after vaccination.

However, some cases in all studies reported a worsening in symptoms after vaccination.


Study: Effect of online health-information seeking on physician-patient relationships

A review of literature in the UK and China has found online health information-seeking behaviours have an impact on physician-patient relationships, including how people evaluate their doctor.

Low quality information and poor health literacy, combined with negative news, led to a decline in trust in doctors.

Whether patients chose to discuss what they found online also affected the relationship.

Authors concluded improvement of people's health information literacy and the quality of online health information are important factors in promoting a potential positive impact on the physician-patient relationship.


CQC publishes maternity care report

A CQC report into women's experiences of maternity care has found many are still positive about their experiences.

However, the results also suggest the pandemic has impacted on choice and involvement and there were increased concerns about post natal support.

The CQC maternity survey captured the views of more than 23,000 women who gave birth in February 2021.

Fifty-six per cent were ‘definitely’ given information about any changes they might experience to their mental health after having their baby – down from 63% in 2019.  

The proportion of women who, in the six weeks after the birth of their baby, ‘definitely’ received help and advice about their baby’s health and progress fell to 60% from 71% in 2019.


Study: Low health literacy and multiple medications in older adults

A new study examines the association between health literacy and multiple medications in community-dwelling adults aged 50 years and older in England.

It found, although low health literacy was associated with a lower likelihood of being medication-free, it was not associated with the number of medications among those at risk for medication.

This finding did not differ among younger and older age groups or women.

Among men, low health literacy showed a weak association.


Survey: NICE guideline development

PIF member NICE is currently working with stakeholders to review its methods and processes for guideline development.

As part of this review, NICE is asking voluntary and community sector organisations to complete a short survey to help shape patient and public involvement in guideline development. 

It wants to understand the barriers organisations face to involvement in NICE guidelines and hear about potential solutions.

Click on the link below to take part in the survey.


Campaign to tackle heart attack myths 

The NHS has launched a campaign to encourage people to dial 999 when they are having early signs of a heart attack.

The campaign will tackle a number of common heart attack myths and show a person experiencing some common early symptoms.

Recent research found three in four people thought a heart attack was the same as a cardiac arrest and fewer than half would dial 999 if they or a loved one experienced lesser known symptoms of heart attacks.

NHS England

Event: Integrated Care Systems – Partnerships beyond the NHS

PIF member National Voices is hosting an event to discuss how Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) can help build stronger partnerships.

The free event takes place from 2.30pm to 4pm on Tuesday, 8 March.

Click on the link below to book.

National Voices