Government publishes autumn and winter COVID-19 plan

The Government has published its COVID-19 Response: Autumn and Winter Plan 2021.

It outlines Plan A for the upcoming months, including building defences through pharmaceutical interventions and an international approach to vaccination.

The document also emphasises the need for 'clear guidance and communications' to the public on how to protect themselves and others.

Read the document in full by clicking on the link below.


Long Covid and Universal Credit report

A new report from covid:aid describes people with Long Covid living without electricity and needing to use food banks, with widespread concern expressed over planned removal of the £20 Universal Credit uplift.

The report was presented to MPs at the All Party Parliamentary Group on Universal Credit.

It says the Universal Credit system needs to reflect the 'fluctuating and unpredictable nature' of Long Covid.

The report makes a series of recommendations including that Work Coaches and those involved in administering Universal Credit should be provided with extra information to ensure awareness of Long Covid.


Last chance to apply to GSK Grow Programme

The GSK Grow Programme is open to registered charities that are at least a year old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with a total annual income of between £20,000 and £120,000. 

Up to 10 charities will receive £10,000 in unrestricted funding plus training and development valued at £3,200. 

Up to five runner-up charities will receive £1,000. 

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday, 20 September.

The King's Fund

Checktember aims to boost national numeracy

A lack of numeracy skills can be a barrier to accessing, understanding and using health information.

This month is Checktember – a National Numeracy campaign encouraging people to spend 10 minutes a day improving their numeracy skills.

The challenge allows users to check their current numeracy level and provides tailored learning resources to help them improve.

National Numeracy

HEE launches new Sepsis Awareness Resource video

Health Education England (HEE) has released a new animation video showcasing available learning resources on sepsis.

The animation was released to mark World Sepsis Day.

It includes HEE’s work with key stakeholders in developing the THINK SEPSIS E-Learning Programme.

It also features a wide range of learning materials for primary care, secondary care, and paediatrics, as well as executive, non-executive and management level staff, and the public.


NHS Innovation Accelerator open for applications

The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) is accepting applications from now until 10 October.

This year, the NIA is recruiting for innovations which address at least one of the following themes:

  • Supporting equity of access, experience or outcomes for those at greatest risk of poor health outcomes
  • Early detection or diagnosis
  • Delivery of proactive personalised care

More information on how to apply and the support available will be given at two webinars held on 20 September and 5 October.

Click on the link below to register and for more information.

NHS Accelerator

Study: Experiences of healthcare for people living with MS and their healthcare professionals

A new study aims to identify what works well and what could be improved in the healthcare experiences of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and their healthcare professionals (HCPs).

Both groups valued clear communication, recognised uncertainties associated with MS and highlighted the importance of rapport.

People with MS focused on decision-making, understanding roles and expectations, self-directed management and their needs for support. 

Authors say greater transparency and communication, particularly around the approach to care and the roles played by HCPs, is likely to enhance healthcare experiences and contribute to better health outcomes.

Wiley Online Library

The Health and Care Bill: six key questions

The King's Fund has published a report aiming to answer six key questions which have emerged about the Health and Care Bill since its publication in July.

It includes information on potential private sector and ministerial involvement in the NHS as well as integrated care structures.

The long-read article also attempts to outline what the Bill will mean for patients.

The King's Fund

Call for Diabetes Prevention Programme to offer equality of access

The first independent review of the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP) has found more than half of those referred took up a place and most people attended around a third of the sessions. 

This is in line with DPPs in other countries.

However, it also identified groups of people less likely to accept a referral and attend a whole course. 

These included those who are employed, have a disability, are younger, from more deprived background and some ethnic minority communities.

Researchers say measures are needed to increase participation among people in these groups.


World Patient Safety Day 2021

World Patient Safety Day takes place tomorrow (17 September).

It aims to enhance global understanding of patient safety, increase public engagement in health care safety, and promote global action to prevent and reduce avoidable harm in health care.

This year’s World Patient Safety Day is dedicated to the need to prioritise and address safety in maternal and new-born care, particularly around the time of childbirth.

World Health Organization

Webinar: NHS Transformation

National Voices is hosting a webinar exploring transformation in the NHS post COVID-19 and the role of partners.

NHS England and Improvement director of transformation Dr Timothy Ferris will be in conversation with National Voices CEO Dr Charlotte Augst. 

This will be followed by a Q&A session.

The free event takes place from 2.30pm to 3.30pm on Wednesday, 6 October.

National Voices