PIF members have signed a consensus statement challenging the Government to put the prevention agenda 'front and centre of the levelling up mission'.

The statement was signed by a coalition of 47 organisations and charities.

It says, by investing in prevention and introducing population-wide policy measures, the Health Disparities White Paper could lay the foundation for a fairer, prosperous, healthier nation.

The Government’s approach to addressing risk factors is currently dominated by interventions aimed at individuals. 

However, this reliance on individual agency and resource risks deepening inequalities.

The coalition says population-level interventions, alongside targeted support for those most in need, are the most equitable and effective.

The following PIF members signed the statement: Alzheimer's Research UK, Asthma+Lung UK, Breast Cancer Now, British Heart Foundation, British Liver Trust, BMA, Cancer Research UK, Children's Liver Disease Foundation, Diabetes UK, Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, Mind, Stroke Association and Versus Arthritis.

Read the statement in full here.