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Digital patient action plan; Self-managing multiple long-term conditions; Birth Trauma Inquiry report

Your weekly round up of the latest news, studies and views for professionals working in health information (15 May 2024).

An Action Plan for the Digital Patient

The Whitehall Group has published An Action Plan for the Digital Patient focused on supporting those with long-term conditions.

It says most people with long-term conditions manage on their own more than 99% of the time so they must be given access to essential information and useful tools.

The report sets out eight action points to ensure preparing patients for a digital future happens at the same time as preparing the workforce. They include:

  • Identifying three long-term conditions where digital health technologies could produce better outcomes and devising a work plan.
  • Building the capacity of patients to use digital tools for self-care and providing additional support for people who might not otherwise benefit. 
  • Building confidence and trust among all parties to use digital tools.

Read the full action plan via the Cambridge University Land Society website here.

Study: Self-managing multiple long-term conditions 

A qualitative study explores the barriers and facilitators to self-managing multiple long-term conditions among people experiencing socioeconomic deprivation.

Four analytical themes were developed: 

  1. Challenges in accessing healthcare services, financial assistance, and cultural awareness.
  2. Empowerment and disempowerment through technology, including digital exclusion. 
  3. Impact and causes of exclusion on self-management, including social isolation, area-based and economic exclusion and health-related stigma.
  4. Adapting self-management strategies, including cost-effective and culturally or lifestyle appropriate strategies.

Authors said the results highlighted the need for greater awareness of the complexities of managing multiple conditions while living with socio-economic deprivation.

They also called for specific strategies to promote management of multiple long-term conditions.

Read the study findings in full here via the Wiley Online Library.

Birth Trauma Inquiry report published

The All Parliamentary Group on Birth Trauma published its Birth Trauma Inquiry report this week.

The report makes a series of recommendations to end a "postcode lottery" in maternity care including:

  • Better education for women on birth choices.
  • Respecting mothers' choices.
  • Providing support for fathers.
  • A commitment to tackling inequalities in maternity care.

Many women who took part in the inquiry reported their pain or concerns being dismissed. 

These experiences mirror those reported in our Maternity Decisions survey, published in December 2021.

Read the full inquiry report here.

New public guidance on payment for involvement in research

The NHS Health Research Authority has published new public guidance on payment for involvement in research.

The guidance aims to help members of the public understand and know their rights and responsibilities on receiving payment for their involvement in research.

It includes information on how payment for involvement may impact on their tax and employment status.

Access the full guidance here.

Early cancer diagnosis analysis

A Quality Watch analysis has revealed inequalities in the number of GP visits needed before someone receives a cancer diagnosis.

The number of visits needed varied depending on a person's age, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.

One in 5 people had three or more conversations with GP staff before being diagnosed.

This rose to 1 in 3 for people of mixed, Asian and black ethnicities.

Almost 1 in 2 16-24 year olds had three or more conversations and 1 in 5 had five or more.

People from more deprived areas were 21% less likely to be referred for tests or to see a specialist.

Read a full scrolling story on the results via the  Nuffield Trust website here.

Understanding menopause guide for people experiencing homelessness

Groundswell has published an Understanding Menopause: health guide.

The simple three-page guide is designed to be used by frontline staff and people experiencing homelessness.

Download the guide via the Groundswell website here.

The Power of Health Libraries

This year's virtual Health Information and Libraries Journal focuses on the power of connections.

It brings together research manuscripts on topics including:

  • Use of ChatGTP in medical libraries
  • Collaborative updating of an organizational health literacy tool
  • Localising research evidence to help public health decision making

Access the virtual edition via the Wiley Online Library here.

How are ICS strategies and Joint Forward Plans addressing health inequalities?

A new report explores how Integrated Care System (ICS) strategies and Joint Forward Plans (JFPs) are addressing health and healthcare inequalities.

It covers core areas including Core20PLUS5 and Inclusion Health Groups, digital inclusion and how impact is being tracked.

Read the report findings via the NHS SCW website here

Video: An introduction to artificial intelligence

The Good Things Foundation has published a free two-minute animated video to help beginners learn about AI.

The video covers where AI is already present in online life and aims to help users feel excited about using it in everyday digital tasks.

Watch the video via the Good Things Foundation website here.

Video guides to help autistic people understand healthcare appointments

A series of videos aim to help autistic people better understand what to expect from screening appointments and other common NHS experiences.

The videos were created by Autism Bedfordshire and funded by Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board.

They cover topics including Type 2 diabetes, breast screening and weight management.

Read more about the videos via the BLMK Health and Care Partnership website here.

Event: Digital inclusion summit

Charity Digital is hosting a free Digital Inclusion Summit on 20 June.

The online event is a chance for charity professionals to gain skills and knowledge to help them dismantle the digital divide.  

Find out more and book your free place via the Charity Digital website here.

See also