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UK Poverty report; Health inequalities in Scotland; Digital co-design with older people

Your weekly round up of the latest news, studies and views for professionals working in health information (1 February 2023).

UK Poverty 2023 reveals impact on health

A report setting out recent trends in poverty has revealed how levels of poverty differ between groups of people and regions, and the impact it has on people’s lives.

UK Poverty 2023 found many of the most vulnerable groups before the pandemic continue to have a higher risk of living in poverty.

Northern Ireland and Scotland continue to have lower poverty rates than England and Wales.

The rate of deaths caused by COVID-19 was higher in the most deprived than in the least deprived areas in all nations of the UK. 

In England and Scotland, the death rate in the most deprived areas was more than twice as high as in the least deprived areas.

The report also found working-age adults living in poverty are more likely to suffer from poor health more broadly.

Access the full report via the Joseph Rowntree Foundation website here.

Health and health inequalities in Scotland

An independent review of health and health inequalities in Scotland shows people living in the most deprived local areas are being left behind the rest of society. 

Key findings from the Health Foundation-led analysis include:

  • In 2019, there was a 24-year gap in the time spent in good health between people living in the most and least deprived 10% of local areas
  • Infant mortality is rising for the most deprived fifth but is static or falling among the rest of society.
  • Avoidable mortality rates among females are now around 50 per cent higher in the most deprived fifth than in the second most deprived fifth of areas.

The report also found there is little indication health inequalities will improve in future.

Access the full report via the Health Foundation website here.

Study: Conducting co-design with older people in a digital setting

A new study highlights the steps and considerations researchers should be aware of when embarking on co-designing with older people in a digital setting.

It says several preparatory steps are required to effectively bridge the digital divide and conduct co-design with older people including:

  • Engaging gatekeepers
  • Building relationships and trust
  • Assessing digital literacy levels and education
  • Providing technological support

The authors also describe how they promoted inclusivity and empowerment.

Read the full study findings via the International Journal of Integrated Care website here.

Consultation on draft statin guideline

There is just one day left to have your say on the use of statins to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

A consultation by PIF member NICE on draft guidance closes at 5pm on Thursday, 2 February.

Current NICE guidance says people with a 10% or higher risk over 10 years of a cardiovascular event should be offered a statin.

The new draft guideline recommends statins be considered as part of shared decision-making for people who have not had a CVD event with a 10-year CVD risk score of less than 10%. 

Access the consultation documents via the NICE website here.

Study: When attitudes and beliefs get in the way of shared decision making

A new study explores the impact of perceived power imbalances on shared decision making.

Authors aimed to demonstrate that certain sociodemographic characteristics previously identified as barriers to participation preference, such as old age, were mediated by perceived power imbalances.

These imbalances manifest themselves as negative patient attitudes and beliefs about their role in decision making.

Authors concluded, unlike stable sociodemographic characteristics, negative attitudes may be accessible to change making them promising targets for interventions to increase participation in shared decision making.

Read the full study findings via the Wiley Online Library here.

Survey: Use of social media analysis tools in health

The World Health Organization (WHO) infodemic management team is conducting a survey on the use of social media analysis for public health.

They want to hear from a range of people – those who use social media analysis regularly and those for whom it is only a small part of their job.

The survey should take about 10 minutes and is open to anyone who has used social media analysis for a public health purpose since the start of 2020.  

Results from the survey will help the WHO evaluate its current tools and processes used for analysing social media for public health insights.

Take part in the survey here.

How ICS leaders can work with the VCSE sector

PIF member National Voices has published a briefing outlining how Integrated Care System (ICS) leaders can work with the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.

The briefing expands on key pieces of advice from National Voices' 2022 conference on working with ICSs including:

  • Partner with us, we can help you
  • Put people and communities first
  • Value us, and our ways of working
  • Communicate clearly, and openly

Download the briefing via the National Voices website here.

How can ICSs turn the rhetoric into reality?

A new Nuffield Trust report consolidates key findings from a series of roundtable events exploring how the aims of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) can be achieved.

It says ICSs are now responsible for leading the charge on a localised approach to bringing multiple aspects of the healthcare system together and better working with social care and other public services.

However, the report asks, as this is far from a new aspiration, what makes this time different?

Read the full report via the Nuffield Trust website here.

Preventing unnecessary hospital admissions

A new policy has been published which aims to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions for people with a learning disability and autistic people. 

The policy includes new guidance on the implementation of dynamic support registers (DSRs) and updates to the Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews (CETRs). 

Easy read and plain English versions of the policy have been co-produced with people with a learning disability and autistic people.

Read more about the new policy via the NHS England website here.

Preventative healthcare inquiry launched

The Health and Social Care Committee has launched an inquiry into prevention in health and social care.

It is inviting anyone working in preventative healthcare to get involved in the first stage and suggest which issues should be explored.

Evidence can be submitted until Wednesday, 8 February.

Information on what to include in evidence proposals is available via the committee website here.

Census topic summaries: General health, disability and unpaid care

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published the next phase of Census 2021 topic summaries for England and Wales.

Summaries for general health, disability and unpaid care are now available.

All of the data has also been age standardised which the ONS says will enable more meaningful comparisons.

Read more about why the ONS has age standardised the data here.

Versus Arthritis launches Surgery Toolkit

PIF member Versus Arthritis has launched a Surgery Toolkit.

Let's Move for Surgery includes tailor-made, follow-along exercise routines for hip, shoulder and knee replacement, as well as full body workouts to help users maintain overall fitness.  

Find out more via the Versus Arthritis website here.

Event: Disproportionate Harms, The Role of Racism and Poor Health Outcomes among Racial Minorities 

Dr Gwenetta Curry will discuss the driving factors behind poor health outcomes among racial minorities in the UK at an upcoming online event.

Dr Curry will lead a session, delivered via Zoom, on the second day of the ALLIANCE's Annual Digital Gathering.

The webinar starts at 2.30pm on 23 February.

Find out more and book your free place via the ALLIANCE website here.

See also