Co-production: Involving users in developing health information – HTML version
HTML version of the 2023 updated guide provides practical support, including planning user engagement and involving users in the production of health information.
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This guide provides practical support on co-production. This means working with users to develop health information that meets their needs.
Why this matters
Co-production consistently improves patient experience. It ensures information is relevant, easy to understand and accessible. This makes it more likely people will use and share your resources.
Step up levels of user involvement
Engage – Invite users to give their views
Co-design – Plan and design information together
Co-produce – Plan, design, create and review information with users as equal members of the team.
Plan user engagement
Plan user involvement throughout your project
Describe users’ roles and responsibilities
Ensure users match your audience – include those with lower health literacy[1] and disadvantaged people[2]
Include a budget to pay people for their time[3], but be aware of the impact on Universal Credit payments[4]
Consider safeguarding.[5]
Use the right method for the task or stage
Steering groups
Focus groups
Engagement events and development workshops
Surveys and interviews.
Run effective engagement
Use plain language in all materials
Choose an independent facilitator who understands the user group
Run sessions in familiar, accessible settings6
Set objectives for each engagement
Be flexible, new issues may emerge
Thank users and show how you have acted on their insights.
User testing and feedback
Test with users not involved in the development
Invite feedback on live projects.
This guide supports the PIF TICK assessment process for criteria:
3.0 Need: Resources meet a genuine need.
5.0 Involving users: Users are involved in the development of information.
6.0 Health inequalities: Information is written to meet health and digital literacy, language and accessibility needs of the audience.
7.0 Content and design: Information is clearly communicated, easy to access and navigate.