Shared Decision Making with NICE and PRSB

PIF has been involved with long running projects with our partners NICE and the Professional Records Standards Body to support shared decision-making. Both projects embark on new phases in 2022.

NICE Standards Framework

Nice published Shared Decision Making Guidelines in 2021. A Standards Framework for Shared Decision Making Support tools, accompanied by the Guidelines. PIF was a member of the oversight panel for the production of the framework.

The framework is designed to help people who use healthcare services and healthcare professionals to identify and understand the elements of a good quality PDA. It also helps people developing or reviewing PDAs to understand how to produce high-quality decision support and what elements they need to include.

The standards align with the PIF TICK criteria but include extra items specific to decision support tools. NICE is now developing an implementation pack to provide additional support to users of the framework. PIF will again be involved in the consultation on the development.

PRSB Draft standard on Shared Decision Making

PIF is a partner in the Professional Record Standards Body’s project to develop a standard for shared decision making.

Phase one of the development created a draft standard, based on widespread consultation and a series of role plays which tested the standard’s usability in practice. The role play exercises simulated various shared decision-making discussions using different examples in healthcare, and tested whether the standard captured the right information to record from the shared decision-making process. 

NHS England has now commissioned PRSB to complete the development and this process is underway. The final draft standard is due for completion by Spring 2022. Version 1 of the standard with full endorsement of relevant stakeholders and an Information Standards Notice requirement is expected to follow in Summer 2022.