A report by the Patient Coalition for AI, Data and Digital Tech in Health (Digital Coalition) has found patients value the NHS App but not all users are able to access the information they want.
The report is based on a survey of more than 600 people from across England. PIF is a member of the Digital Coalition. Key findings include:
Barriers to using the NHS App in England were identified by those not using the app, using it infrequently or supporting others to use it. They included:
Concerns were raised about GPs restricting access to information via the app.
This was perceived as gatekeeping which disempowered patients and led to inconsistencies and disadvantage.
PIF director Sophie Randall said: “The results of this independent public survey show that while the NHS App is a valuable tool for many, some people are being left behind.
"We would like to see an inequalities impact assessment on the NHS App with strategies put in place to support its wider use.
“PIF fully endorses the recommendations to improve the accessibility of the NHS App and provide translation into commonly spoken languages. “
The report makes a series of recommendations which could be implemented by policy makers and healthcare providers to increase use of the NHS App.
Recommendations for improving app accessibility and usability include:
Read the full report via the Patients' Association website here.