Working in partnership to signpost evidence-based information presentation cover

Webinar: Signposting evidence-based health information video with YouTube

Members can view the recording and slides from our webinar with YouTube and NHS Digital on signposting evidence-based health information videos via a Health Shelf.

YouTube is looking at ways to signpost evidence-based health information videos via a Health Shelf. The aim is to identify trusted sources of information on the platform. They have been working in partnership with a number of organisations to see how this can be achieved by building on a US pilot already underway.

At this webinar, PIF members were able to hear from YouTube about progress to date, ask questions and provide feedback on plans to extend the approach to the UK.



Welcome and introduction from PIF 
Dan Wills, Quality Manager – Patient Information Forum

YouTube health overview and upcoming health product features / YouTube best practices
Vishaal Virani, Strategic Partner Manager, Health Partnerships – YouTube

Partnership case study
Joe Freeman, Social and Digital Media Lead and Adriano Gazza, Senior Multimedia Manager – NHS Digital

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