COVID-19 has accelerated digital change. Members highlighted the need to make websites and digital tools accessible to all and asked for guidance and support to make this happen.
To mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day, PIF’s panel of expert speakers described the personal impact of inaccessible tools and discussed solutions to improve accessibility.
Adi Latif – Ability Net
Living it up in the pandemic – a blind person’s perspective
Adi is an inclusive design professional and a strong advocate for access to the web for all. He’s experienced in accessibility user testing, management consulting and training. He also has over 17 years of experience in using screen-reader technology for the blind.
Joanna Dundon – Digital Health and Care Wales
Making information accessible in Wales through the Digital Services for Patients and the Public Programme
Amy McClure – TextHelp
Demystifying your accessibility journey: ReachDeck - a new tool to improve the accessibility, readability and reach of your online content