Event: Health Information for Children and Young People

At this event, professionals presented case studies and shared good practice in producing information for children and young people. Speakers discussed user generated content and effective ways of involving young people in producing information.


Key messages from presentations and delegate feedback included:

  • Ask don’t assume – find out what information children want and how they want it presented
  • Don’t try to be cool
  • Think about different ways to reach young people, their parents and siblings
  • Seek genuine, critical feedback on projects rather than just looking for a rubber stamp
  • Remember children can be affected by adult diagnoses as well
  • There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, every child is different
  • Health professionals must take the time to talk through treatment
  • Ask what matters most to children and young people, issues with school and appointment preparation were a recurring theme.


Read our full blog about the event here

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