Cover from Urte Macikene presentation - AIS campaign

Webinar: Accessible information

Our panel of speakers shared their expertise and experience in making information accessible for all. Speakers included Healthwatch England, AbilityNet and more. Watch the webinar and view slides here.

Accessible information is able to be read, received and understood by the individual or group for which it is intended. For people with an accessible information need, this may mean providing an alternative to standard printed or handwritten English, for example large print, braille or email. Global Accessibility Awareness Day takes place every year and aims to get people thinking and talking about making the web accessible for those with different disabilities. 

To mark the occasion, our panel of speakers shared their expertise and experience in making information accessible for all. 



12.00 – 12.05 Welcome and introduction 
Sophie Randall – Director, Patient Information Forum 

12.05 - 12.15  Accessible Information Standard survey results
Urte Macikene – Policy & External Affairs Manager, Healthwatch England 

12.15 - 12.25 Lived experience and accessibility tools
Robin Christopherson – Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet 

12.25 - 12.35  Using accessible formats including Easy Read
Roger Firman – Chair, UK Association for Accessible Formats 

12.35 - 12.45  Accessible information for those with learning disabilities
Rachael Middle – Clinical Quality Improvement Lead, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Division, Isle of Wight NHS Trust and Christina Loosemore - expert by experience 

12.45 - 12.55 Innovation in accessible information
Mark Applin – Co-Founder, Signly 

12.55 – 13.30 
Q&A and panel discussion

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