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Engaging people with lived experience and tackling health inequalities

Your weekly round up of the latest news, studies and views for professionals working in health information (3 November 2022).

Engaging people with lived experience

A new report looks at best practice, challenges, and opportunities for engaging people with lived experience.

Commissioned by the ALLIANCE, the report brings together examples of good practice already happening and calls for more research to evaluate the impact of involving people with lived experience.

It is designed to be a useful resource to groups and organisations which want to develop and assess their own practices.

The report can be downloaded as a PDF from the ALLIANCE website here.

A video summarising the project, research findings and recommendations can be viewed here.

NICE and health inequalities

PIF member NICE has launched a new web resource to help reduce health inequalities.

The resource directs users to NICE-recommended, evidence-based approaches to address health inequalities. 

They are set within the context of national priorities and aligned with recognised health inequalities frameworks.

Access the resource here.

Study: General health statuses as indicators of digital inequality

A new study examines how health statuses are linked to internet access, including internet attitude, material access, internet skills and health-related internet use.

It aims to reveal to what extent:

  • Internet access is important for online health outcomes
  • Different health statuses are important for obtaining internet access and outcomes
  • Age and education moderate the contribution of health statuses to internet access

It found physical functioning, social functioning, mental health, perceived health and physical pain all show unique contributions to the different internet access stages.

Most contributions are moderated by age and education.

Researchers concluded, to make online health care attainable for the general population, interventions should focus simultaneously on internet attitude, material access, internet skills and internet health use. 

Digital inequality research also benefits from considering health as a predictor of all four access stages. 

Read the full study findings here.

Is childhood obesity linked to where you live?

A new Nuffield Trust analysis looks at the association that neighbourhoods, communities and their characteristics have with obesity in children.

It found overweight and obesity levels among children are likely to be higher in areas where:

  • There is more childhood poverty
  • There is poorer access to places for children to engage in physical activities and where fewer adults undertake physical exercise
  • There are lower breastfeeding rates

The results also suggest certain populations, based on their socioeconomic and demographic status, are more at risk of being overweight and obese.

This is compounded by the challenges they face in accessing weight management services.

The report calls for targeted, culturally appropriate, responses to support high-risk populations and individuals.

Read the findings in full here.

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: one year on

In this article for The King's Fund, David Buck discusses the first year of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID).

He talks about the risk of OHID being slowly dissolved into the Department of Health and Social Care while also highlighting its work at a regional level.

Read the full article here.

PIF members named as digital health innovators

PIF members have been included in the Digital Health Playbook 2023 Edition.

The playbook aims to highlight those who are 'finding new frontiers in healthcare to make an impact'. PIF members featured in this year's playbook include:

  • Cognitant – Remote and Virtual Care
  • Eido Healthcare – Remote and Virtual Care
  • HCI – Self Care
  • Healthily – Self Care
  • Sapien Health – Remote and VIrtual Care
  • Xploro – Self Care

See the full list of 100 innovators here.

The power of self-management to target gaps in chronic disease care

This pharmaphorum article discusses how patients can take the lead in managing chronic disease.

It outlines a recent talk by Partha Kar, national specialty advisor on diabetes with NHS England, which discussed the importance of data, unequal access and the need to overcome biases.

Read the article here.

Changes to PRSB standards

PRSB has changed how it presents its standards in a bid to make them easier to adopt and use. 

It has produced an information model describing who made the record entry or carried out the activity, where and when, known as provenance data. 

This information model simplifies how data is included in standards. 

Provenance data will now be referenced as ‘information type’. 

This will not change how professionals record this information in care records but removes repetition in the standards, making them much shorter and easy to use.

Find out more here.

How can research help carers?

A new NIHR collection demonstrates how research could help improve the daily lives of carers

It highlights the impact a caring role can have on people and explores how the health and care system could support carers. 

The collection also demonstrates the value of carers’ views in research and aims to help healthcare professionals understand how they can support people with a caring role.

Access the collection here.

Abdominal and Urological Symptoms of Cancer campaign

NHS England has launched an Abdominal and Urological Symptoms of Cancer campaign.

It focuses on the symptoms of diarrhoea or discomfort in the tummy area and blood in pee.

Campaign activity targets men and women aged 50 and over and those from lower socio-economic groups and ethnic minorities who are already at risk of health inequalities.

Materials include social media posts, posters and multicultural versions.

Access campaign resources here.

Event: Time for action on poverty

The King's Fund is hosting a free virtual conference exploring how the health and care sector can better work with its partners to mitigate, prevent and reduce poverty.

The platform will be open for four weeks with networking and exhibitions opening on 29 November.

Sessions go live on 6 December and there will be the opportunity to catch up on demand until 25 December.

View the full programme and register here.

See also