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NICE celebrates 25th anniversary

PIF member NICE is marking 25 years of helping people to get the best care fast.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Founded in 1999, it aims to improve lives through evidence-based health and care guidance.

Prior to  the formation of NICE, decisions about which drugs to fund were usually taken at a local level leading to concerns about "postcode prescribing".

NICE was established to set a national, consistent approach based on what worked and was cost effective.

To mark the occasion, NICE has published an in-depth feature article celebrating its impact in the UK over the past 25 years.

Click here to read the feature.

NICE has also published a special edition of its podcast with guests including chief executive Dr Sam Roberts and chief medical officer for England Professor Sir Chris Whitty. 

They discuss how NICE has developed, the impact it has had and how it will adapt to face the challenges of the next 25 years.

Listen to the podcast here.

See also