More than 25 years of championing health information

The Patient Information Forum (PIF) was formed in 1997, under the auspices of The King’s Fund, by a small group of patient information professionals who wanted to support each other and share best practice. 

Today, PIF represents more than 300 organisations and 1,300 individuals. For more than two decades we have provided guidance to raise standards and campaigned to improve access to health information. We have played an essential role in the development of policy and expertise on user involvement, health literacy, shared decision-making, patient experience and reducing health inequalities.

In 2020, in the midst of the first wave of COVID-19, we launched the PIF TICK. The PIF TICK is the only quality mark for print and digital health information. More than 120 organisations and individuals have now been certified as trusted information producers by the scheme. 

The PIF TICK website provides information for the public and healthcare professionals on finding trusted sources of quality health information.

PIF’s structure has evolved overtime. In 2008 PIF was incorporated as a not-for-profit company.  In July 2023 we were awarded charitable status by the Charity Commission.

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The history of PIF – view our timeline

The content team at Versus Arthritis are huge fans of PIF, we think it’s brilliant. The events are so helpful and interesting, and having easy access to colleagues in similar teams at other health charities is invaluable. We all face the same challenges, and we can learn a lot from each other. Thank you for all you do! Keep up the great work!
Paul Donovan – Senior Content Editor, Versus Arthritis