A close up of the PIF logo on a dark blue background

The Advisory Group

The PIF Advisory Group helps guide our activity.

The PIF Advisory Group ensures the interests of health information professionals, from a range of sectors, and people with lived experience are fully taken into account within our work. It is a collection of individuals who bring unique perspectives and expertise in order to more effectively guide the work of PIF.  The Advisory Group plays an active role in helping PIF achieve its vision.

Our Advisory Group

Kate Betteridge headshot

Kate Betteridge

Director, Betteridge Associates

Kate has almost 30 years’ experience working with people with long-term conditions to help empower them to make informed choices about their health and lifestyle. She has extensive experience of involving service users in the development of information.

Trishna Bharadia profile

Trishna Bharadia

Owner, The Spark Global

Trishna is a multi-award winning patient engagement consultant and patient advocate, who works with various stakeholders in healthcare and the life sciences to better embed the patient voice in their work. She lives with several long-term health conditions, including multiple sclerosis, and is a patron/ambassador for several charities, as well as being a visiting lecturer in patient engagement at King's College London.

Selina Corkery headshot

Selina Corkery

Service Manager (Editorial), Macmillan Cancer Support

Selina is Service Manager (Editorial) in Macmillan Cancer Support’s cancer information development team. She has worked been responsible for producing information on health, social care and related fields for many years, and for establishing and maintaining quality assurance in its publication.

Michele Crooks headshot

Michele Crooks

Communications Officer, Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland)

Michele has more than 20 years’ experience in writing and editing public health information for both the public and health professionals. In her role at the PHA, she takes complex information and turns it into user-friendly text for print and digital publication. Michele is committed to producing high quality health information that empowers people to make decisions about their health and help them live longer, healthier lives. 

Linda Cowie headshot

Linda Cowie

Director Behavioural Sciences, FCB Health Europe

Linda is a pharmacist by training, but has spent 25 years working in healthcare marketing and communications for various pharmaceutical and nutritional companies and healthcare communication agencies.  

Linda is currently Director Behavioural Sciences at FCB Health Europe.

Joanna Dundon headshot

Joanna Dundon

National Clinical Informatics Lead – Public, Digital Health and Care Wales

Joanna works at Digital Health and Care Wales, a Special Health Authority for digital services which has been formed from NHS Wales Informatics Service. She is working on a new Welsh Government sponsored Digital Services for Patients and the Public Programme to develop the NHS Wales App for patients to be empowered to be responsible for and contribute to their health and wellbeing, have access to information and records, and interactions with health and care professionals.

Morag Evans profile image

Morag Evans

Library and Knowledge Specialist

Morag has worked at Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Library Service for ten years, initially as a library assistant, later as librarian and recently as library and knowledge specialist. She is the lead for health literacy at the Trust and has set up a network of health literacy champions who advocate quality health information and communication with colleagues and patients/service users. Morag is passionate about making information as patient-friendly as possible and is involved in the reviewing of patient information leaflets at the Trust.

Hannah Ensor headshot

Hannah Ensor

Founder, Stickman Communications and Chair of the Hypermobility Syndromes Association

Hannah lives with a hypermobility syndrome, and autonomic dysfunction, and has volunteered with the Hypermobility Syndromes Association for over 10 years, including as chair of the board of trustees since 2019. She is also the founder of Stickman Communications Ltd - creating clear, practical ways of communicating about disability.

Lynsey Hawker headshot

Lynsey Hawker

Librarian - The King's Fund

Lynsey has worked in health libraries since 2005, working in academic sector and the NHS before joining The King’s Fund’s library service in 2016.

She has been an active member of CILIP Health Libraries Group (HLG) committee since 2016 and recently took on the role of Co-Chair of the group in 2021.

Steph Jury profile

Steph Jury

Health Content Manager, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Steph specialises in health information and digital content design in the NHS. She leads on inclusive and accessible information delivery across 5 hospitals and community sites. With a background in frontline care, Steph is deeply committed to implementing practices that address health inequalities and uplift groups at disproportionate risk.

Rachael Middle headshot

Rachael Middle

Clinical Quality Improvement Lead in Learning Disability and Mental Health Services, Isle of Wight NHS Trust

Rachael has worked in the NHS since 2009. Rachael's clinical background is as a Speech and Language Therapist. Rachael currently works in clinical quality improvement in mental health and learning disability services. Rachael has a particular interest in public health and the link between good quality accessible health information and the prevention of health inequalities.

Knut Schroeder headshot

Dr Knut Schroeder

GP and Health Information App Producer, Founder and Director of Expert Self Care Ltd

Knut is a practising GP in Bristol and helps organisations provide health information, promote self-care and signpost services through PIF TICK certified mobile apps.

Dr Alice Wood image

Dr Alice Wood

GP and Clinical Director

Alice is a GP, clinical director at Cognitant Group and clinical lead at ApptHealth. In all her roles, Alice advocates for empowering patients and the public with knowledge and understanding to improve their own health and wellbeing. She has a particular interest in child health and prevention.

Juhi Tandon headshot

Dr Juhi Tandon

Medical Director, Cognitant

Juhi has been a practicing NHS doctor since 2005 and a GP for over a decade.  In April 2018, she became Co-founder and Clinical Director for Cognitant Group and is now Medical Director. She is strongly focused on innovating the content and delivery of health information making it accessible, memorable and easy to understand through the use of immersive technology. Juhi is passionate about preventative medicine, overcoming literacy barriers, tackling misinformation and ultimately empowering patients to make informed decisions about their care. Juhi is based in the US and is our international advisor.

Louise Jones

Louise Jones

Senior Health Information Writer and Researcher, Anthony Nolan

Louise joined Anthony Nolan in 2018 as a Copywriter, and nabbed a coveted role in the Patient Services team in 2021. She has a background in creating health and social content for young people (where no topic is TMI!) and is most passionate about making people’s lives that bit easier with accessible, engaging, empowering information.